Nadine 1035 de Add to favorites Nadine ist ausgebildete Schauspielerin und Sprecherin. Sie hat bereits fĂźr Imagefilme, Werbespots, Filme, Musikvideos, Kurzfilme, Webserien vor der Kamera gestanden und spricht leidenschaftlich gerne. Request for this voice To send a non-binding inquiry about this voice, please fill out the following form or just call us! +49 69 / 770 399 24 Your first and last name* Company / customer Your email address* Your phone number Your project code or project title Text length* – Bitte auswählen –up to 2 minutesup to 5 minutesup to 10 minutesmore than 10 minutes How will the the recordings be used?* internallyexternally(contains internal use) Which medium is it?* – Bitte auswählen –AppAnnouncementAudio guideExplanatory filmE-LearningImage- / industrial filmPodcastPresentation (with customers)Product filmTelephone announcementTV commercial (paid media) Which medium is it?* – Bitte auswählen –Explanatory filmE-LearningPresentation Where will the recordings be used?* Industrial fairSocial media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.)RadioTV (linear)CTVCompany's website (www)Event Where will the recordings be used?* – Bitte auswählen –IntranetEmployee trainingEvent Mood / tonality motivatingcompetentexplainingsellingdynamicfriendlysensitivecalm Comments or additional information I'd like to join the recording via remote direction* YesNo Ă Sascha2017-07-07T00:00:00+02:00